About Us
TThe Learning Place was founded in 1990 by Phyllis M. Newland under the sponsorship of Laubach Literacy (now ProLiteracy) as a neighborhood center to provide free literacy instruction to adults who were reading below a 4th grade level.
The most significant difference between The Learning Place and other programs is the belief that learners must be true partners in their learning experience. Through this partnership, students are encouraged to participate in all center operations.
Students can choose one-on-one or small group instruction, or independent learning at the computer labs in the center.
For more than a decade since its founding, The Learning Place has served more than 1,000 adults with 70,000 plus hours of instruction by more than 200 dedicated volunteer tutors. We have sent our volunteers to regional and national literacy conferences for further training. This additional experience, training and support helps enable students to assume leadership roles.
In 2003, The Learning Place was chartered in New York State as a non-profit corporation and is managed by a board of directors, consisting of volunteer members.
On May 1, 2004, The Learning Place officially established itself as an independent organization, affiliated with but no longer under the direct auspices of ProLiteracy Worldwide.
Please Give to the Phyllis Newland
Memorial Adult Literacy Fund
Phyllis Newland was a literacy provider and our founder. She believed in giving adults a hand up, not a handout. Her years of experience with adults and older youth with literacy needs provided a foundation for the non-profit organization she started in 1990. We have set up a fund in her memory. Please make a donation to continue her legacy.